Flag that specifies whether or not aggregate counters are enabled to determine if usage of an API product is in the free range. Aggregate counters must be enabled to set up a freemium plan for a product.
Flag that specifies whether or not aggregate counters are used to determine the band of usage (such as a volume band for a rate card plan).
ISO 4217 code for the currency, such as usd for United States dollar or chf for Swiss franc.
Period of time for the aggregation basis, together with durationType. For example, set duration to 30 and durationType to DAY to specify an aggregation basis of 30 days.
Period of time for the aggregation basis, together with durationType. Valid values include: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR.
Period of time for the freemium period for an individual API product together with freemiumDurationType. For example, to specify that the freemium period is 30 days, set freemiumDuration to 30 and freemiumDurationType to DAY.
Period of time for the freemium period for an individual API product together with freemiumDuration. Valid values include: DAY, WEEK, MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR.
Freemium quantity for an API product. The value can be the number of transactions or the number of units pertaining to a custom attribute recorded in the transaction recording policy.
Charging model for a rate card plan. Valid values include: UNIT (flat rate), VOLUME (volume-banded), STAIR_STEP (bundled), or DEV_SPECIFIC (adjustable notification revenue model only).
Payment due date for a postpaid developer. For example, set the value to 30 to indicate that payment is due in 30 days.
Rate plan rate details, such as the type of rate plan (REVSHARE or RATECARD), the rate for a rate card plan, the revenue share for a revenue share plan, and the range (starting unit and ending unit for which the rate plan rate applies).
ID of the rate plan rate. Only valid and required when you are updating a draft rate plan rate.
Rate for the rate card plan. Specify for RATECARD plans only.
Revenue share. Specify for REVSHARE plans only.
Start unit.
Type of the rate plan. Valid values include: REVSHARE or RATECARD.
Basis for the rate plan. The rate plan is based on transactions or on a custom attribute. Valid values include: VOLUME (based on volume of transactions) or MINT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_{num}. If you set it to MINT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_{num}, then the rate plan is based on a custom attribute, where {num} is an integer for example, MINT_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_1. This value is defined in the transaction recording policy for the API product and is valid for rate card plans only. The custom attribute name cannot be defined as VOLUME.
Unit that applies to the ratingParameter.
Basis of the revenue share in a revenue share plan. Valid values include: GROSS (based on percentage of the gross price of a transaction) and NET (based on a percentage of the net price of a transaction).
Revenue model for the plan. Valid values include: REVSHARE, RATECARD, REVSHARE_RATECARD, USAGE_TARGET (adjustable notifications).
If you have an API product-specific rate plan defined (rate card or revenue share), you can specify the details in the request body. Otherwise, specify { }.
A rate plan specifies the monetization approach for your API package or for individual API products in the package. For example, it specifies whether you charge for the use of your API package and products based on a flat rate or a variable rate, and whether there are additional fees.
You define the type of plan to indicate whether it applies to all developers, developers in a specific category, or a specific developer. You can configure the following features:
Set a one-time or recurring fee for the plan
Add a freemium part to the plan enabling devleopers to try out features for free over a period of time
Configure a rate plan type, such as revenue share, rate card, or combination
Set a renewal period
Define product-specific plans, if desired
After you initially set up a rate plan, you can update it to add fees, add a fremium plan, or specify additional rate plan details.
Note: You can set up multiple rate plans for an API package.
Create a revision of an existing rate plan. A revision is a new plan; the original plan and the revision both exist as rate plans.
After an existing rate plan is published, the only property you can change is its end date. However, you can create a new version of the plan that includes changed properties, such as changed rate plan rates. You can set up the revision to go into effect at a future date. The original rate plan ends when the revision goes into effect.
Developers are notified about the revision. Those developers who accept the original rate plan are automatically registered for the revision (but have the option of rejecting the revision).