amount | number Amount of the prepaid account balance.
chargePerUsage | boolean This attribute is deprecated.
id | string ID of the payment provider.
isRecurring | boolean Flag that specifies whether automatic reload of the prepaid account is enabled.
providerID | string ID of the payment provider to use to reload the account, if configured.
recurringAmount | number Amount to add automatically to the account, if configured.
replenishAmount | number Threshold that the prepaid account balance must drop below in order to trigger automatic reload, if configured.
supportedCurrency | SupportedCurrency |
creditLimit | number The credit limit for the supported currency. The credit limit can be overridden for a developer in the developer's postpaid balance.
Note: This property applies to postpaid developers only.
| description (required) | string Description of the supported currency.
| displayName (required) | string Name displayed in the UI.
| id | string ID of the supported currency.
| minimumTopupAmount | number Minimum amount that developers can add to their prepaid account balance in the specified currency.
Note: This property applies to prepaid developers only.
| name (required) | string ISO 4217 code for the currency, such as usd for United States dollar.
| organization (required) | object | status (required) | string Status of the currency. Valid values include:
ACTIVE : The currency is available for use.
INACTIVE : The currency is not available for use.
| virtualCurrency (required) | string Flag that specifies whether or not the currency is virtual currency.
usage | number Amount used.