address1 | Street address of the bank at which the account is held. |
city | City. |
country | Country. |
id | ID of the address. This value must be unique when creating an entity. |
isPrimary | Flag that specifies whether this is the primary address. |
state | State. |
zip | Zip code. |
The following paths use this type:
Gets the organization profile. See also View the organization profile using the API.
Update the organization profile. See also Edit the organization profile using the API.
Note: When you update the organization profile, you need to specify all the organization profile settings, not only the settings you want to update. You might want to get the organization profile copy the response payload, modify it as required, and then pass the modified payload in the request body.
Gets the monetization information for all developers in an organization.
You can define the monetization information by passing custom attributes when creating or updating a developer.
You can get the monetization custom attributes set using the standard (non-monetization) API to get all developers or a single developer.
Gets transaction activity for developers. See also Reporting transaction activity using the API.
Gets the monetization information for a developers in an organization.
You can define the monetization information by passing custom attributes when creating or updating a developer.
You can get the monetization custom attributes set using the standard (non-monetization) API to get all developers or a single developer.
Lists rate plans accepted by a developer. See also Viewing all rate plans accepted by a developer using the API.
Accept a published rate plan for a developer. See also Accept published rate plans using the API.
Gets an active rate plan for a developer. See also Viewing an active rate plan for a developer using the API.